Monday, 2007-12-31, 1:59 Pm

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Genealogical researches
genealogical researches

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May be I can answer Your question?
Where to seek your ancestry.
If You know only that Your ancestry were from Russia, but don't know exactly where they were born, ask me, may be I can help You.
1 1 Tuesday, 2008-02-05, 11:40 AM
Thread: where to seek your ancestry
Posted by: russiangenealog
If You think Your ancestry were from Moscow...
I have a lot of information about old Moscow citizens, merchants and clergymen at home. Ask me if You think Your ancestry lived in Moscow in the end of 19 century...
4 20 Wednesday, 2010-06-09, 8:07 PM
Thread: Adress book "All Moscow...
Posted by: Gulapoglu
Do You want to see Your ancestry place of birth?
If You know where Your ancestry were born, but don't know how that place looks now, may be I can help You.
0 0 No posts

Convertations about everything.
Here You may discuss everything.
You are welcome to open every thems here you want.
2 2 Sunday, 2013-03-31, 8:02 AM
Thread: Lipich family, Vinnitsa Ukra...
Posted by: nmash

Ask me about your ancestors
A big family lived in Russia before revolusion.
Forum moderator: BOLTOUKHINE, russiangenealog
1 12 Saturday, 2017-12-02, 1:50 AM
Thread: Nikodime
Posted by: nmash

Your opinion is very important for me.
What do You think about that site?
If You have find any mistake on my site I'l be very appreciative for Your notice: I'm native Russian so...sorry for my English.
0 0 No posts
Your opinion about my researches
What do You think about my researches and proffecional skill?
1 0 Wednesday, 2008-01-30, 7:52 AM
Thread: Your opinion about my resear...

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