Vagankovskoe cemetery of Moscow
Vagankovo... One of the oldest cemeteries of Moscow, practically elite now. But as it is a lot of tombs on it almost (or absolutely) forgotten. The people buried here, once lived, were pleased or mourned, married, built houses, planted trees, gave birth to children. What so their tombs are forgotten? Or someone searches for them? Each time as I shall be on a cemetery, I shall search for the thrown tombs and to make its photo. And also a photo of namesakes (native?) those ancestors for whom I search: Andrianovs, for example. This tomb on 10 site on Shurovskogo road.
... …. ...…. And these Andrianovs - on 2-nd site on Vasilevskaya avenue- Andrianov Alexey Ilich 1841-1886, Andrianov Michael Ilich, 1834-1894 and Maria Vasilevna Andrianov 1842-1907. And here - the forgotten tombs.. . The wife of Privy councillor Alexandra Ivanovna Aristova , 1852-1906 , 12 site, Mochalovskaya avenue.
 This girl - Maria Loginov - has died absolutely young, but vandals do not have sympathy...
Elizabeth Pavlovna Yurasova-Perelman (1853-1933) - she was someone's daughter, mother, she was loved, swore to remember eternally (on a sepulchral stone) but who recollects her now?
10 site at avenue Vasilevskaya, inside of a site, nearby rather mysterious monument - a Buddhist pagoda. The whole family with a strange surnames for Vagankovskoe an orthodox cemetery - Beze Anfisa Filippovna (1943), Feodor Fedorovich (1963), Maria Yakovlevna (1968) but also they are forgotten... Has hardly washed an inscription for shooting...

In June we with my daughter were on Vagankovskoe again- and here you can see some more forgotten tombs:

" Ashes spouses of guards of colonel Anna Anatolevna Azarevich is based. Has died 1839 on August, 13th on 24 year of a birth. " The monument is taken off from a tomb and lays directly on Shurovskogo road at the left, along 2-nd site, between Church and Vasilevskaya avenue.

In the same place, beside, on 10-th site the avenue Vasilevskaya there is a tomb as solid monument (more precisely, that from it remains...) Ephgraf Zhernakov.
On the same site - on which I disassembled a monument, an inscription not in forces, alas. Probably, someone searches for him. Someone's father (or mother) here are buried...

Here Polonsky's tombs.
On 10-th site opposite, there, where forgotten tomb Beze, costs(stands) a solid monument to Vasily Yakovlevich Tsinger., died in 1907, - " from the Moscow University ", with the tablet reminding, that the monument is protected by the state. Badly, it is visible it is protected...
In the same place a sound monument to Nikolay Vasilevichu Dobrovolsky who has dyed on November, 11th, 1919.
At a corner of Mochalovskaya avenue and road Shurovskogo, on 10 site - a monument on Gleb Konstantinovicha Staronosova's who has died in 1937 tomb.
If to go from this monument on Mochalovskaya avenue to the Central avenue- you will see, about Maria Loginovoj's monument of a tomb of other members of the same family -
 Andrey Semenovich Loginov who has dyed in 1908 and stella with pominaniem of set of names without dates and surnames.

Opposite to these tombs - a monument to the peasant has sat down Protogova to Letnikov Ivan Panfilovich who has dyed on April, 20th, 1901 in 70 years, and his spouse Anna Ivanovna who has died on December, 30th, 1904 in the age of 71 years.
Beside, on same 12-th site, on avenue Mochalovskaya, the monument of Pazhintsev (Lazhintsev?) Alexey Mikhajlovich, died 20 years ago, but, similar, forgotten by everybody...

One more thrown tomb - as far as I could disassemble - family Berlo is based here.
August 2007. A new trip on Vagankovskoe - new sady finds.
Inscription on this tomb to me to disassemble someone was not possible, maybe, will have the luck more...
 Kikina Anastasiya-

and Friede-
- Bezsonovy, Mushnikova and Vazikina

Shatrov - and Blinkov (?) - I could not disassemble tents - someone's grandfathers and grandmothers....