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Genealogical researches
genealogical researches

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    If according to your family history your descendants lived in Imperial Russia and you would like to find out more about them, including who they were, where they lived and what happened to them and their families after 1917…

   If you’re interested to know who your great-great-great-great…grandfather was and where he lived in the 17th century…

   If you would like to search for your long-lost or even unknown first- and second-cousins…

   If you would like to see and maybe even visit places of your ancestors, learn about history of those places…

Then you are in need of genealogical research!

   I can search Russian archives for any information about your ancestors even if they were serfs and like my ancestors had no surnames.

   I can prepare a genealogical tree of your family in Russian and/or English.

   I can try to reconnect lost connections with living descendants of your relatives.

   Using archival and library information, I can prepare a description about the history of the places where your relatives came from.

   I also can take pictures of those places presently.

Everyone leaves some footprint about his/her life in various written documents:

--If one was a taxpayer, census data may contain some details about him;

--if one received some education, then archival documents of those institutions may even contain your relative’s photos;

--if one was a trader or craftsman, those facts can also be found in specialized archives;

--every born person was entered by a priest or rabbi into a vital record book. Those books also contain information about person’s marriage and death;

--Christians had annual confessions and confession books contain notes about confessed family members;

--partially survived burial books also can provide information about the date of death and burial location;

--if your relative had sufficient property, information about him was collected and can be found in voter lists;

--if one rented an apartment, his information can be found in tenant lists for that building;

--if your relative was adapted, changed name, divorced, litigated or was convicted, any of those facts would leave specific records in archives.

Oftentimes that factual archival information differs from those old family legends!

Who am I?
My name is Natalya.

I graduated from the Philological Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

My graduate thesis was about the history of dialectology of Russian language and analyzed written
sources of the 15th and 16th centuries.

Since 1993 (as soon as archives were open to broad public), I conduct genealogical researches and it is now the third year since I began studying my family history full-time. My family tree already contains 13 generations and I have documents to prove relationships with every person on that tree. My hard work speaks for itself because many of my ancestors were serfs who had no surnames of their own.

To research the history of my family and to complete orders of my clients, I have been conducting researches in various archives: the Central Historical Archive of Moscow, the Central Archive of Moscow, the Central State Archive of the Moscow Region, the Russian State Archive of Early Acts, Russian State Military Historical Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the State Archive of the Ryazan Region, the State Archive of the Rostov-on-Don Region; in various libraries, such as Russian State Library, Russian Historical Library; and in many other local and specialized archives and libraries.

Are you interested?

To contact me, please use my forum or use the Feedback button and link.

Good luck in your searches!


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